Thursday, 31 December 2009

End of a long and difficult decade

This is my last post of 2009 so I wanted to try and sum up this while decade. The millenium started well for us yeah my sister was messed up but it was ok. In January 2004 my sister gave birth to her first son Jamie and then we found out my dad had cancer. He was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer with secondary in his bones and lungs. A week later he had a hip replacement because the cancer had destroyed his hip. In April 2004 I turned 13 that was the last birthday my dad would be around for. On October the 4th 2009 was my mum and dads 13th wedding anniversary and then on the 8th of October was my dads 50th birthday. And then on the 3rd of November at 3.30am my dad passed away with me, my mum the nurses and our dog at his side. A week later we had my dads funeral he was cremated and we still have his ashes now in my mums bedroom. Then in April 2005 my mum had an operation on her bladder that went wrong she had a tape put on her bladder for stress incontinence which cut straight through her urethra. The hospital left my mum in retention for 11 months. Then in 2006 my sister gave birth to my neice jessica-marie who now lives with a new family with her brother Jamie. Also in 2006 mum had a complete bladder reconstruction which wasn't successful my mum has a permament indwelling catheter now. From all that my mum now has polymyalgia rheumatica, Chronic fatigue syndrome (M.E), diabetes, athsma, thrombosis, cardio obstructive pulmonary disorder, left ventricular dysfunction, bullous pemphigus, fybromyalgia, leg ulcers, poor circulation, IBS, irritable bladder, bladder spasms and insomnia. She is also now unable to walk more than a couple of steps and is in a wheelchair. In March 2008 my sister gave birth to my other neice olivia who was taken away at birth and at 9 months old went to her new family. My sister is an alcoholic and she takes drugs too. So basically this decade is messed up for me. I'm hoping that this next decade might bring some good news or something good will happen. Who knows, miracles do happen and I'm hoping that one of those miracles will come my way. So happy new year to you all and I hope that this year brings you good fortune.

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